Archive for September, 2009

All Things are Possible

 This month, let’s  focus on the concept of introducing yourself to the wealth you already have and then take the critical step of asking it out on a date- a wonderful date.  A date that sets the mood for “all things are possible.”

The way each of us interacts with our resources will define how often and to what degree those resources present themselves.  You would be surprised how many willing resources have been shut down because we do not interact with them.  Sometimes we obstruct our own wealth through prosperity blocking behaviors, belief systems that no longer fit, and sometimes there is just not enough time in the day to create a new direction. That is why this month we have an actual assignment for you so we can fast forward putting YOU in front of the wealth you already have and dumping the junk that is not serving you.

Take out a sheet of paper. Make a quick list of the top five things that are bugging you or that you feel are lacking (notice it’s lacking and not slacking- add only things that need additional resources to solve not stuff you have been putting off) .

After eleven years of this exercise RICH CHICKS has found some patterns that people often pick– some combination of the following: cash flow, debt, personal relationships, meaningful life experiences, basic direction and goals, legal work, business plans, grief, health, savings and security, or repair.

Now take your list of five things and right beside each item, list five resources or people that you have in your network or life contacts that can help you deal with that irritation. We are looking to magnify the wealth and diminish the size of the irritation. On your paper now, you have five resources to one problem. If you have no idea who or what can help you then it is time to push the subject of your irritation to your posse to get some new ideas or insight or e-mail to set up a Buddy Call and our staff will help you. 

Next, add step three—create a 2% change action list of 25 things you can do to reposition each item.  For example on Mary’s list CASH FLOW was listed as the item that is bugging her. She listed these five resources: Buddy Call to generate new ideas, going to a class and getting new information, billing her old clients who have not paid, attracting new clients, and networking. In step three she needs to magnify the solution again by compiling a 2% change list of 25 items related to increasing cash flow or decreasing outflow. 

 Now her paper has a ratio that has 1 irritation, 5 resources, and 25 solutions that can be done in small bits.

 15 minutes have passed and she has wealth flowing again.

 Now that’s a great date for Mary!  This month it is time to for you to make your own date because you are pretty darn awesome.