Archive for January, 2010

College Bound in the 9th Grade???

Start those conversations with your kids and start the training of being an adult. Going away to school means they will have alot more than just book work to do.

Here are two tips for those high schoolers.

9Th Grade-

1)      Education is play- Invest in summer programs (or go to the library and take as many classes as they offer) that have hands on training in computer programs that will be fun like design or robotics.

2)      Reaffirm the college savings plan and start teaching basic life skills. Teach shopping skills, staying within a budget,  cooking, menu planning,  laundry, public transportation and maps, online shopping, personal safety training, and how to have FUN for a very few dollars.

College bound in the 8th Grade???

Yes,  you read it right, 8th grade (or sooner) is the magic year to start college conversations with children. If you have not started to put money away for college for your kids or if you are strapped for cash do not let that the unbelievably high price of college stop you from stacking up at least a few dollars. START a savings plan and enlist as much help as you can get from family, friends, and community organizations. You would be surprised how helpful EVERY dollar is at college.

If you are within 5 years of college, it is time to start college planning on the bigger life skills training plan. We have outlined some easy tips of how to give those beautiful children a few extra points on their life skills training and give parents a few ideas to help their students grow even when dollars are tight.

 8th Grade –

1)      Affirm that all is possible- Kids who are told they WILL be going to college or have a family expectation that additional education will be supported have a dramatically higher likelihood of actually going to college and finishing a college degree.

 2)      Put your money on the table.  Start a matching account for the teen that has ½ of their money and ½ your money that will be paid out over the 4 years at college for everyday living expenses that parents have a HANDS OFF relationships to. The amount available at college will be divided into 4 years (or college length) and sent with them in September when school starts. Open as a custodial account and do not remove parent name on it before age 21.