Archive for May, 2009

Use What You Already Have!

 We all have too much STUFF—take a look around your living space. Reevaluate what you have STUFFED in your cupboards, your closet, basement, attic and garage. May is a great month to purge old energy so that the rebirth of spring can be felt throughout your life.

 I found the way I get too much stuff is from continuously bringing home more innocent looking everyday things.( that I am sure I will use). When I took a close look I found that I was re-buying mostly the same stuff, just different same stuff: clothes, beauty products, household furnishings, toys, paper and garden stuff. I was shocked–I have everything I will need for the next twenty years already stockpiled in my home.

 So about a year ago I wrote myself a very powerful three word reminder and posted it near my clothes closet.


 At first it was just a reminder to eat the food that I was avoiding in my cupboard, to fix the hem on my pants, or repair the couch leg. It turned into a different outlook completely when I realized my life is full of resources that I was not tapping into.

 I started using the resources of friends by asking if they knew of anyone that could repair my bathroom. My pals jumped to the ready. Each friend offered some assistance in my project, one helped me hang new shelves and rip out the old cupboard, another set the tile, my neighbor gave me a new toilet seat that they could not return because they lost the receipt, and another friend scraped, primed and painted my bathroom. Wow!

 I had a team of about fifteen friends who had some input in my bathroom renovation. By asking loved ones to share their resources, we give them a chance to shine, and we get the benefit of their help. My friend who helped me put up the curved shower rod still looks at it every time she is over. She remembers how fun it was to be in a postage-stamp size bathroom—two giggling friends poking each other in the belly button while reaching high enough to get the stupid rod in place. We were out of control.

 Not only will you keep more of your hard-earned money but you will feel wealthier by NOT spending or repurchasing things you already own. The action of looking for an answer within yourself or in your surroundings allows the laws of prosperity to reveal the true wealth of abundance. In a nutshell, using the skills, talents, and items that are already present makes us more prosperous because we are working life energy in its primary state.


 May is a magical time to haul STUFF out, use it or get rid of it and get ready for summer.

Great Garage Sale!

Sweep the garage

It is official- put the winter stuff away!

Pull out the summer stuff

Get your beach bag ready and by the door

Review cupboards and add items that can grabbed for lunch or dinner outside.

Plastic forks/plates/napkins

Sandwich bags

Cheap food containers

Great lunch bag that will keep your stuff cold

Our TOP 10 summer items—great for easy picnic meals with friends

Limonada bottled drinks

Small bottles of chilled champagne (or wine)

Tuna Salad

Dried fruit


Summer cookies like Lorna Doone  or Nilla Wafers

Sandwich potluck (everyone bring an ingredient)

Olives and crusty bread

Hummus and veggies

Nice big blanket for after-picnic relaxing!

See you soon–Mickey

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