Posts Tagged ‘women and money’

Payment History Tips

Pay your bills on time.
Delinquent payments and collections can have a major negative impact on your FICO score.

  • If you have missed payments, get current and stay current.
    The longer you pay your bills on time, the better your credit score.
  • Be aware that paying off a collection account will not remove it from your credit report.
    It will stay on your report for seven years.
  • If you are having trouble making ends meet, contact your creditors or see a legitimate credit counselor.
    This won’t improve your credit score immediately, but if you can begin to manage your credit and pay on time, your score will get better over time.


What is NOT in your FICO score

FICO scores consider a wide range of information on your credit report. However, they do not consider:

  • Your race, color, religion, national origin, sex and marital status.
    US law prohibits credit scoring from considering these facts, as well as any receipt of public assistance, or the exercise of any consumer right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act.
  • Your age.
    Other types of scores may consider your age, but FICO scores don’t.
  • Your salary, occupation, title, employer, date employed or employment history.
    Lenders may consider this information, however, as may other types of scores.
  • Where you live.
  • Any interest rate being charged on a particular credit card or other account.
  • Any items reported as child/family support obligations or rental agreements.
  • Certain types of inquiries (requests for your credit report).
    The score does not count “consumer-initiated” inquiries – requests you have made for your credit report, in order to check it. It also does not count “promotional inquiries” – requests made by lenders in order to make you a “pre-approved” credit offer – or “administrative inquiries” – requests made by lenders to review your account with them. Requests that are marked as coming from employers are not counted either.
  • Any information not found in your credit report.
  • Any information that is not proven to be predictive of future credit performance.
  • Whether or not you are participating in a credit counseling of any kind.

* this is from

Relationships for life…and business

Guest Blogger for Rich Chicks, Cathy Paper of rockpaperstar and Dream Job Lab

Most people want more sales and more career success.  Growing healthy relationships is the key to making a stronger impact as a business person.  Yet, 9 out of 10 people think expanding their network means pushing themselves on other people and feels “slimy.”  There are several ways to grow your relationships and heighten your reputation without becoming a slick image of your authentic self.

 Here are five ways I’ve seen people quickly become effective at increasing the power of their relationships:

  1.  Define your style.  What kind of a person do you want to be known as? A giver, a taker, a connector, a writer, a self-promoter, a volunteer etc.  Spend half an hour defining your personal brand.  Ask someone you trust and respect what they think about you and how they would describe you to someone else.  If they hesitate and can’t answer the question, you have some work to do to be seen as a value-add.
  2.  Get involved and give back.  Building relationships is not just lunch after lunch or 50 cold calls to grow your contact list.  One of the best ways to get to know other people is to serve on a committee or a volunteer team.  You can make a difference to an organization you are passionate about and meet great people along the way.  Making connections starts with thinking about someone other than yourself.
  3. Start small.  Five nights a week out with high hopes of business development and networking and you’ll burn out.  Everyone gets busy and needs to hunker down with billable time or project deadlines.  The best relationship people know that being a consistent but authentic presence out and about is one of the ways to stay top of mind.  So pick one night a week or a Friday lunch to get to know someone new.  
  4. Find a wingman or wingwoman.  I first learned of this concept through a New York Times article on dating.  A pair would scope out a “prospect or potential date” and send one of the other people over to ask questions and talk up the other person.  Brilliant.  Find a person to attend an event with you and they can do your promoting for you. It’s much better to have someone else say what you do and why you’re amazing than to toot your own horn. 
  5. Be strategic.  Who do you want to meet?  Do your homework.  Sam Richter, author of Take The Cold Out Of Cold Calling, has a toolbar where you can research people and companies in great detail using the “invisible web.”  Before an event, research people and study the guest list if possible.  You will make the most of your time and the people you meet will be impressed by your thorough knowledge.

 These are just a few of the ways to build strong relationships in today’s virtual world of connections.  I recommend a combination of virtual connections and face to face to cement what you want most, a lifelong network to champion your work and serve as your best business development tool.

Cathy Paper is a guest presenter at the May 19 NW2 Mastermind Group   

  RockPaperStar acts as a growth catalyst for authors and small businesses. Current clients include Harvey Mackay, #1 New York Times Best Selling Author of Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive, Virtual Officenters, MorseKode and Fruitshare. As one customer said, “We are thrilled with the results of our business consulting work with Cathy Paper of Rock Paper Star. She helped us come up with new revenue sources and ideas based on our business planning and strengths work.  She provides a fresh, fun and enlightening perspective to our business planning. We imagine calling on her again and again.” Char Mason- Coleman Mason Events

All Things are Possible

 This month, let’s  focus on the concept of introducing yourself to the wealth you already have and then take the critical step of asking it out on a date- a wonderful date.  A date that sets the mood for “all things are possible.”

The way each of us interacts with our resources will define how often and to what degree those resources present themselves.  You would be surprised how many willing resources have been shut down because we do not interact with them.  Sometimes we obstruct our own wealth through prosperity blocking behaviors, belief systems that no longer fit, and sometimes there is just not enough time in the day to create a new direction. That is why this month we have an actual assignment for you so we can fast forward putting YOU in front of the wealth you already have and dumping the junk that is not serving you.

Take out a sheet of paper. Make a quick list of the top five things that are bugging you or that you feel are lacking (notice it’s lacking and not slacking- add only things that need additional resources to solve not stuff you have been putting off) .

After eleven years of this exercise RICH CHICKS has found some patterns that people often pick– some combination of the following: cash flow, debt, personal relationships, meaningful life experiences, basic direction and goals, legal work, business plans, grief, health, savings and security, or repair.

Now take your list of five things and right beside each item, list five resources or people that you have in your network or life contacts that can help you deal with that irritation. We are looking to magnify the wealth and diminish the size of the irritation. On your paper now, you have five resources to one problem. If you have no idea who or what can help you then it is time to push the subject of your irritation to your posse to get some new ideas or insight or e-mail to set up a Buddy Call and our staff will help you. 

Next, add step three—create a 2% change action list of 25 things you can do to reposition each item.  For example on Mary’s list CASH FLOW was listed as the item that is bugging her. She listed these five resources: Buddy Call to generate new ideas, going to a class and getting new information, billing her old clients who have not paid, attracting new clients, and networking. In step three she needs to magnify the solution again by compiling a 2% change list of 25 items related to increasing cash flow or decreasing outflow. 

 Now her paper has a ratio that has 1 irritation, 5 resources, and 25 solutions that can be done in small bits.

 15 minutes have passed and she has wealth flowing again.

 Now that’s a great date for Mary!  This month it is time to for you to make your own date because you are pretty darn awesome.

Excellence is a habit–RICH ways to give yourself a jumpstart

The economy is the pits, your job is iffy, money is tight–we all feel the pain of the new economic reality. But even when things are tough and you may not know where life might be taking you, there are RICH things that you can ALWAYS move forward with. Take time to give yourself an attitude jumpstart and spark yourself to get out of the doldrums and be ready for GREAT times anytime.

Respect yourself by being your own best friend. Best friends do nice things for each other so do something nice for YOU, take yourself out for a walk, style your hair. Try on your clothes and mix and match to make a killer hottie outfit.  Be that chic friend with all the panache and give some love to your oldest and dearest friend- YOU.

Inspire your message to the world with a few key words that describe your core values: trust, beauty, harmony, fun, laughter, strength, and look for ways to let your best intentions show in your everyday actions.  Ask yourself: Who can I share some laughter with today? How can I send the message of HOPE to small business owners?

Call a friend and get the mojo working.  Calling someone that makes you feel great will actually raise your body temperature and make you feel like giving life a push forward. Emotional capital is one of the most powerful tools on the planet and it fits into every budget. 

Hit the nail with a hammer HARD! Take action immediately- set a timer and with great urgency trick your body into an adrenaline rush with 15 minutes of furious work. Hammer away at your goals—this gets the juices flowing again.

Your turn to share—what are some rich ways you take care of yourself?

Live Rich–Right Now!

Two Percent Changes Spread the Wealth Beyond Yourself

 POWER TO THE POSSE! As the founder of RICH CHICKS I frequently get to watch as women take a deep breath and break new ground for themselves and for their posse. These women pack quite a punch. POW! BAM! SPLAT!

Alice Barry is a RICH CHICK who took quite an action pose for her posse with the huge 3-day $uper Chick Stimulus sale she organized at the end of May. At RICH CHICKS, we are quite impressed (but not the least bit surprised) at how much imagination, forethought, laughter, and business skill Alice showcased at this event.

To everyone who came to this event- our posse thanks you. Our CHICK leftovers from the sale provided 32 pairs of shoes, 10 winter coats and over 150 items of clothing to the homeless shelter. We sent chairs, linens and kitchen supplies and our intern Josette has filled the shelter’s van for the last two Wednesdays because of Alice’s work. We raised money for our intern (who was someone our program moved out of the shelter last year) go out to dinner in a real restaurant with her family for the first time in a year, put $100 of food in a young unemployed persons cupboard, and added support for our scholarships.

I’d say that was some party, Alice.
Mickey Mikeworth

 Alice’s Thoughts—After the Sale

 After a long pack up and an unexpected down day, at last I bring you my Super Chicks Stimulus Flea Market update.

The highlights:

  • Hundreds of new and used items were shed. Everyone who participated is going through some kind of life transition either starting something and getting their legs, or shedding the old clutter that is in the way of their prosperity and clarity.
  • Every person who cleared their clutter acknowledged this was a spiritual experience and the sale was just the catalyst they needed for positive change in their lives.
  • Dozens of left over shoes, clothes, bags and toys were immediately donated after day three directly to a local homeless shelter sharing the prosperity even further.
  • Every time someone rang our bell of prosperity upon making a purchase, more sales were made. When we didn’t ring the bell, we got in a lull.
  • I discovered a new way to look at a task that requires physical stamina. The preparations and daily set up/tear down were exhausting. Then I realized that I was actually getting into better shape as I pushed myself through the tasks each day. It was like being paid to exercise. I remembered how strong I am and also how much I want to build more strength.

Great lessons I’m passing on to everyone

LESSON #1 – When you make a mindless purchase, it inevitably costs you.

The pleasure you may think it brings you for that split second is actually costing you more than it’s worth to buy it, move it around your house, think about the best way to get rid of it and to finally dispose of it. One participant bought a lot of things in the past to make herself feel better. She had numerous items, many quite expensive, which were unused or used once. She got back $0.01 on the dollar for those things — I repeat, one cent on the dollar — for most of that stuff at the sale, but it had already cost her a good chunk of sanity and clarity so she felt like it actually put her in the hole. Where are you mindlessly spending your money, your time, your emotional capital, your integrity, your joy, your spiritual capital?

LESSON #2 – When you’re telling yourself a task is going to suck or be really hard or impossible and you’ll have to sacrifice a lot for it, add one fun thing to the tail end of the equation and make it your duty to get to the fun thing last.

At the end of each day, I felt like I could no longer go on not only physically, but also emotionally. I was seriously  so drained; but I realized that I still needed to connect with my husband and be there for my friends and myself. So I had a fun movie night the first night with my hubby and the second night I went out to dinner with some friends. Now, in the past, I would have put my life on hold just to “get through” the big event. But guess what made it so easy to change my mind: my desire to do better.

Just a few of my rewards:

1. Experiencing my husband continue to astonish me with his love, support, patience, “no problem” style and brawn.

2. Numerous new and renewed connections with neighbors, business acquaintances, friends and dogs.

3. Some amazing surprise attendance from people who exclaimed, “I just like to come to the stuff you do.”

4. Visibility into my inner circle. I had to ask for a lot of help to pull this off. As a result, I now know who will walk through fire for me and who is on the sidelines. It really brought me a TON of clarity with some of my relationships.

5. $2,400 in total sales. I got quite a nice chunk of that and counting that money was SO MUCH FUN!

6. It was a pure pleasure and super fun to write checks to people who sold their items. At least eight of those checks were over $100-$400.

7. Helping spread the word about the artisans who made jewelry, oils, art and hair ornaments was so awesome. Not everyone sold their products, but the visitors loved their products and the feedback made it a great testing ground.

8. I discovered some talents that I forgotten I had and also realized how natural events come for me and how much my experience has taught me. Organizing this thing was fairly easy for me.

9. The prosperity pump is primed. Because bringing myself more prosperity while also helping others was the sole intention of this sale, within 2 days after the sale I also received 3 checks in the mail. And yesterday I received an offer in the mail for $100 free for opening a checking account at M&I bank. So I did that today with my Flea Market earnings and earned $100 instantly. Plus, I asked the banker how my friends could get that offer, too, and he said, “Just give ’em my card.” Now I’m spreading the wealth. Oh, and I have the cutest new purse and sunglasses from the sale. Items that were given to me by two sellers for free. (Barbara, you will never have to complain about my threads hanging off my old purse handles again!)

 Alice Barry

Here are some other changes our Chicks have made 

These small actions helped them put $$$ in the bank or added richness to their health and happiness.
My 2% change was on the RICH CHICKS concept called scrubbing where you start moving through your STUFF and washing out what does not really work with your values. I tried the “7 things for 7 days” trick where for one week you just look for 7 things every day that need a new home and you put them in a box by the front door. Anyone who comes and goes can take stuff from the box and at the end of the week- I just run the left overs to Goodwill. Mary
My 2% change is about MOTHER EARTH and teaching my friends to use earth-friendly techniques in everyday life. So here is my summer tip to all you CHICKS! Mice do not like strong odors. If you are trying to keep mice out of camping gear use dryer sheets to “scent the message” something else lives here. The stronger the scent the more UNLIKELY they are to enjoy their stay in your stored sleeping bag and the more likely you may enjoy the smell of your gear at the start of the season. Martha
 My 2% change was using the CHICK concept of “CROSS INVESTING” where you use the wealth from one secure area to buy wealth in another higher risk area. I used the interest on my long term savings bond fund to buy international stocks while the stock market was at its worst this last year. I made 30% in the last 6 months!
I love the CHICK concept of “invest in your core values” because it gives me a whole new way to think about budgeting. I value “balance” and I was feeling out of balance every time I did not have enough for unexpected costs. I took the Buddy Call advice about putting the first 10% of every single paycheck I got for the next 6 months straight away into savings and then use the other 90% to live life. OMG! I have saved $4,000 dollars that is just for- ohhh anything I want. It changed everything. My bills are paid, I don’t freak out if the car breaks, and I know that more is coming to my pile of money in just two weeks! It is so fun to feed the FUN of my core values.


Use What You Already Have!

 We all have too much STUFF—take a look around your living space. Reevaluate what you have STUFFED in your cupboards, your closet, basement, attic and garage. May is a great month to purge old energy so that the rebirth of spring can be felt throughout your life.

 I found the way I get too much stuff is from continuously bringing home more innocent looking everyday things.( that I am sure I will use). When I took a close look I found that I was re-buying mostly the same stuff, just different same stuff: clothes, beauty products, household furnishings, toys, paper and garden stuff. I was shocked–I have everything I will need for the next twenty years already stockpiled in my home.

 So about a year ago I wrote myself a very powerful three word reminder and posted it near my clothes closet.


 At first it was just a reminder to eat the food that I was avoiding in my cupboard, to fix the hem on my pants, or repair the couch leg. It turned into a different outlook completely when I realized my life is full of resources that I was not tapping into.

 I started using the resources of friends by asking if they knew of anyone that could repair my bathroom. My pals jumped to the ready. Each friend offered some assistance in my project, one helped me hang new shelves and rip out the old cupboard, another set the tile, my neighbor gave me a new toilet seat that they could not return because they lost the receipt, and another friend scraped, primed and painted my bathroom. Wow!

 I had a team of about fifteen friends who had some input in my bathroom renovation. By asking loved ones to share their resources, we give them a chance to shine, and we get the benefit of their help. My friend who helped me put up the curved shower rod still looks at it every time she is over. She remembers how fun it was to be in a postage-stamp size bathroom—two giggling friends poking each other in the belly button while reaching high enough to get the stupid rod in place. We were out of control.

 Not only will you keep more of your hard-earned money but you will feel wealthier by NOT spending or repurchasing things you already own. The action of looking for an answer within yourself or in your surroundings allows the laws of prosperity to reveal the true wealth of abundance. In a nutshell, using the skills, talents, and items that are already present makes us more prosperous because we are working life energy in its primary state.


 May is a magical time to haul STUFF out, use it or get rid of it and get ready for summer.

Great Garage Sale!

Sweep the garage

It is official- put the winter stuff away!

Pull out the summer stuff

Get your beach bag ready and by the door

Review cupboards and add items that can grabbed for lunch or dinner outside.

Plastic forks/plates/napkins

Sandwich bags

Cheap food containers

Great lunch bag that will keep your stuff cold

Our TOP 10 summer items—great for easy picnic meals with friends

Limonada bottled drinks

Small bottles of chilled champagne (or wine)

Tuna Salad

Dried fruit


Summer cookies like Lorna Doone  or Nilla Wafers

Sandwich potluck (everyone bring an ingredient)

Olives and crusty bread

Hummus and veggies

Nice big blanket for after-picnic relaxing!

See you soon–Mickey

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Rich Chicks Class Schedule Introduction to Wealth 102

Introduction to Wealth part 2 series is open to everyone. Class information is below.
Those who have taken our mentorship and need a refresher, and for those who are filling in classes this is for you!
For the first time we are offering “refresher options” a chance for you to just register for one or two classes and not have to take the whole series. That cost is $50 a class.
We love ya and we love to see you do well and when times are tough you need your posse!
 RICH CHICKS Introduction to Wealth 102
Lecture 1) Introduction to Wealth and Prosperity
Objective; students will get a historical perspective on wealth and prosperity and fit it into their own goals of wealth and prosperity
Lecture 2) Stock Market 2
Objective: Students will take a wider look at strategy, mysteries will be unveiled!
Lecture 3) Life Force Energy
Using the amount of energy you have in the most profitable and purposeful way. Students will learn how to use their natural talents to put them in front of the flow of money
Lecture 4) Life Planning in Quarters
Students will do an in-depth project of breaking their lives into quarters and putting financial goals into a time line.
Lecture 5) What You Need to Know about Legal Work, Trusts, and Estate Planning
Objective: students will get an introductory lesson on basic legal forms and when they are used. They will also gain skills to identify holes in their current strategy
Lecture 6) Intro to Monetary Identity and Philanthropy
Students will be able to identify the four basic philanthropic strategies and assemble their own philanthropic pattern. Participants will learn tools to make their pattern a  strong part of their Monetary Identity

LOCATION: Skills for Tomorrow Building Building

547 Wheeler Ave North

St. Paul, MN 55104

Wednesdays, March 18, 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22
Tuition $250, Materials fee $35
Pay online, if you like—we take credit cards

And we often have scholarships
Yes, count me in to continue my path to financial literacy!

FYI- have you checked out our AMAZING t-shirt store? All the best CHICK creations! Just cut and paste:
I hope to see all of you soon!