Archive for February, 2010

College bound at 11th grade??

This is part four  of a five part series on tips to get kids moving in  the right direction towards an education. It is time to start the teen- training of how to be a responsible adult. Going away to school means they will have a lot more than just book work to do.  Help them with a head start.

11th Grade-

1)      Put a location on the map- Start talking about location of college; this is the year to tour every college that is in the running and to create a notebook that has all the facts together in one place. Print off a paper copy of the FAFSA (federal financial aid forms) form so you know what to expect.

2)      Put your name on the dotted line- Systematically create four written statements that are flawless that you can cut and paste into a variety of scholarship and school applications: a personal statement( who are you and what do you believe in) , the reason you want to college, your role in the community, and a list of references. You will need these when  applying for scholarships

College Bound in the 10th Grade??

This is part three  of a five part series on tips to get kids moving in  the right direction towards an education. It is time to start the teen- training of how to be a responsible adult. Going away to school means they will have a lot more than just book work to do.  Help them with a head start.

 10th Grade-

1)      Resume Building- Help your student get a summer job or some type of ongoing community service. Having had a job and involvement in the community is imperative to many private scholarships. Kids who see what it’s like in a larger community will also have a higher chance of being able to fit into the college community.

2)      Travel – This is the age when kids notice the world around them in a more adult way and need to interact with it as an adult. Give them a personal budget on a trip and let them spend as they please with minimal parental oversight.  They can make mistakes and find deals on their own terms but they need to navigate all choices in their own realm right down to the foods and fun they pick.  (Just like grownups…)