Archive for June, 2009

Two Percent Changes Spread the Wealth Beyond Yourself

 POWER TO THE POSSE! As the founder of RICH CHICKS I frequently get to watch as women take a deep breath and break new ground for themselves and for their posse. These women pack quite a punch. POW! BAM! SPLAT!

Alice Barry is a RICH CHICK who took quite an action pose for her posse with the huge 3-day $uper Chick Stimulus sale she organized at the end of May. At RICH CHICKS, we are quite impressed (but not the least bit surprised) at how much imagination, forethought, laughter, and business skill Alice showcased at this event.

To everyone who came to this event- our posse thanks you. Our CHICK leftovers from the sale provided 32 pairs of shoes, 10 winter coats and over 150 items of clothing to the homeless shelter. We sent chairs, linens and kitchen supplies and our intern Josette has filled the shelter’s van for the last two Wednesdays because of Alice’s work. We raised money for our intern (who was someone our program moved out of the shelter last year) go out to dinner in a real restaurant with her family for the first time in a year, put $100 of food in a young unemployed persons cupboard, and added support for our scholarships.

I’d say that was some party, Alice.
Mickey Mikeworth

 Alice’s Thoughts—After the Sale

 After a long pack up and an unexpected down day, at last I bring you my Super Chicks Stimulus Flea Market update.

The highlights:

  • Hundreds of new and used items were shed. Everyone who participated is going through some kind of life transition either starting something and getting their legs, or shedding the old clutter that is in the way of their prosperity and clarity.
  • Every person who cleared their clutter acknowledged this was a spiritual experience and the sale was just the catalyst they needed for positive change in their lives.
  • Dozens of left over shoes, clothes, bags and toys were immediately donated after day three directly to a local homeless shelter sharing the prosperity even further.
  • Every time someone rang our bell of prosperity upon making a purchase, more sales were made. When we didn’t ring the bell, we got in a lull.
  • I discovered a new way to look at a task that requires physical stamina. The preparations and daily set up/tear down were exhausting. Then I realized that I was actually getting into better shape as I pushed myself through the tasks each day. It was like being paid to exercise. I remembered how strong I am and also how much I want to build more strength.

Great lessons I’m passing on to everyone

LESSON #1 – When you make a mindless purchase, it inevitably costs you.

The pleasure you may think it brings you for that split second is actually costing you more than it’s worth to buy it, move it around your house, think about the best way to get rid of it and to finally dispose of it. One participant bought a lot of things in the past to make herself feel better. She had numerous items, many quite expensive, which were unused or used once. She got back $0.01 on the dollar for those things — I repeat, one cent on the dollar — for most of that stuff at the sale, but it had already cost her a good chunk of sanity and clarity so she felt like it actually put her in the hole. Where are you mindlessly spending your money, your time, your emotional capital, your integrity, your joy, your spiritual capital?

LESSON #2 – When you’re telling yourself a task is going to suck or be really hard or impossible and you’ll have to sacrifice a lot for it, add one fun thing to the tail end of the equation and make it your duty to get to the fun thing last.

At the end of each day, I felt like I could no longer go on not only physically, but also emotionally. I was seriously  so drained; but I realized that I still needed to connect with my husband and be there for my friends and myself. So I had a fun movie night the first night with my hubby and the second night I went out to dinner with some friends. Now, in the past, I would have put my life on hold just to “get through” the big event. But guess what made it so easy to change my mind: my desire to do better.

Just a few of my rewards:

1. Experiencing my husband continue to astonish me with his love, support, patience, “no problem” style and brawn.

2. Numerous new and renewed connections with neighbors, business acquaintances, friends and dogs.

3. Some amazing surprise attendance from people who exclaimed, “I just like to come to the stuff you do.”

4. Visibility into my inner circle. I had to ask for a lot of help to pull this off. As a result, I now know who will walk through fire for me and who is on the sidelines. It really brought me a TON of clarity with some of my relationships.

5. $2,400 in total sales. I got quite a nice chunk of that and counting that money was SO MUCH FUN!

6. It was a pure pleasure and super fun to write checks to people who sold their items. At least eight of those checks were over $100-$400.

7. Helping spread the word about the artisans who made jewelry, oils, art and hair ornaments was so awesome. Not everyone sold their products, but the visitors loved their products and the feedback made it a great testing ground.

8. I discovered some talents that I forgotten I had and also realized how natural events come for me and how much my experience has taught me. Organizing this thing was fairly easy for me.

9. The prosperity pump is primed. Because bringing myself more prosperity while also helping others was the sole intention of this sale, within 2 days after the sale I also received 3 checks in the mail. And yesterday I received an offer in the mail for $100 free for opening a checking account at M&I bank. So I did that today with my Flea Market earnings and earned $100 instantly. Plus, I asked the banker how my friends could get that offer, too, and he said, “Just give ’em my card.” Now I’m spreading the wealth. Oh, and I have the cutest new purse and sunglasses from the sale. Items that were given to me by two sellers for free. (Barbara, you will never have to complain about my threads hanging off my old purse handles again!)

 Alice Barry

Here are some other changes our Chicks have made 

These small actions helped them put $$$ in the bank or added richness to their health and happiness.
My 2% change was on the RICH CHICKS concept called scrubbing where you start moving through your STUFF and washing out what does not really work with your values. I tried the “7 things for 7 days” trick where for one week you just look for 7 things every day that need a new home and you put them in a box by the front door. Anyone who comes and goes can take stuff from the box and at the end of the week- I just run the left overs to Goodwill. Mary
My 2% change is about MOTHER EARTH and teaching my friends to use earth-friendly techniques in everyday life. So here is my summer tip to all you CHICKS! Mice do not like strong odors. If you are trying to keep mice out of camping gear use dryer sheets to “scent the message” something else lives here. The stronger the scent the more UNLIKELY they are to enjoy their stay in your stored sleeping bag and the more likely you may enjoy the smell of your gear at the start of the season. Martha
 My 2% change was using the CHICK concept of “CROSS INVESTING” where you use the wealth from one secure area to buy wealth in another higher risk area. I used the interest on my long term savings bond fund to buy international stocks while the stock market was at its worst this last year. I made 30% in the last 6 months!
I love the CHICK concept of “invest in your core values” because it gives me a whole new way to think about budgeting. I value “balance” and I was feeling out of balance every time I did not have enough for unexpected costs. I took the Buddy Call advice about putting the first 10% of every single paycheck I got for the next 6 months straight away into savings and then use the other 90% to live life. OMG! I have saved $4,000 dollars that is just for- ohhh anything I want. It changed everything. My bills are paid, I don’t freak out if the car breaks, and I know that more is coming to my pile of money in just two weeks! It is so fun to feed the FUN of my core values.


Summer is Halftime-Is Your Life Growing?

June of every year is a great time to do a halftime assessment of how close you are to the goals you set for 2009. It is a chance to start putting 2% change into everyday life—small things that can make a big difference in the quality of your life.

Our RICH CHICKS™ members  have made so many great things happen just 2% at a time that it is mind boggling. Some of them have planted gardens, cleaned out trash, sold unused household items and reinvested the cash into things that were more meaningful. The largest 2% change I have witnessed was the recent Superchick Stimulus Sale that turned stuff into cash through the combined efforts of several women. Members who participated, KMO, KM and ML, have committed their part of the cash they realized from the sale to building up their savings.  AB and RC have committed to invest their proceeds in their businesses to stay competitive during these stressful economic times.

One of the secrets of making 2% changes that matter is to tie them to your values. Do you know what your values are?  Many of you have taken our Core Values workshops and already look for ways to weave those changes into your values. This is a great time to delve into what matters most to you and see how you can add 2% changes directly to those values. For example, if you value relationships, it may be time to host a BBQ for friends. If you value financial security—check on tweaking those savings goals. If you value beauty, something as simple as investing the time to wash the windows will let you see the summer beauty flourishing outside.

June is a time to review, plan, and reassess your path—to plant those small seeds that grow into great things. Take a few minutes to invest in what feeds you and you will find that the payoffs are prosperous.   

Take a look at our upcoming Gray Market Income class–what a great way to create a more prosperous life!           


Live Rich!


If you would like to view Mickey’s profile  and hear what others are saying  about her work use this link: